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Home Culture Cultural News Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

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Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

Aref was born in Qacvin, where he studied Persian language and grammar and also some music.

His father Molla Hadi earned his dislike by forcing him to go in for pā-menbarī in order to learn rawża-ḵᵛānī (martyrdom-recitation) and join the ranks of the mollas.

About 1316/1898 he went to Tehran, where thanks to the “beauty of his voice,” he was introduced to some of the capital’s leading men, including Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Amin al-Soltan, Atabak-e Azam, ; later he came to the attention of Moaffar-al-din Shah, who had him enrolled in the ranks of the royal valets; he found this distasteful and finally managed to obtain release.

Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

Aref “devoted his art to the people” and used poetry as an effective means of expressing political ideas and stirring emotions.

A whole-hearted supporter of the constitutionalists, he left Iran for Turkey with other militants in 1334/1916 and stayed at Istanbul for some time.

His most important and impressive works are his taṣnīfāt (song lyrics), which he composed in response to political events of the day and sang to large and enthusiastic audiences.

Despite his boasts of mastery, he owed his fame mainly to the mood of the time and the revolutionary content of his poems. His autobiography and some letters are preserved.

His melodies always carried a central theme of social and political concepts. He composed songs, which played a major role in guiding society and familiarizing people with their social rights. This is the main reason why after 70 years Qazvini’s songs are still relevant, alive and still performed by musicians.

The melodies composed by Aref were heard everywhere. He was the only one who composed the poetry and the song himself and performed the melody as well,” said late musician Ruhollah Khaleqi about Aref Qazvini.

Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

Aref Qazvini died on January 21, 1933 in Hamedan. His poetry and songs are collected in his divan.

Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran

He was buried in the courtyard of the Ebn Sīnā mausoleum.

Aref Qazvini; Patriotic poet and musician of Iran



Mount Damavand is the highest peak in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia.

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Things to Know Before Trip
One of the most important things to remember is that Iranians aren’t Arabs, they’re Persian. They speak Farsi (and other dialects), not Arabic, and some people might feel offended if you great them with Arabic words.
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