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Feb 12th
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Home Sport All Sports Final five Iran football presidency candidates announced

Final five Iran football presidency candidates announced

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Final five Iran football presidency candidates announced

Current head of the federation Mehdi Taj, Heydar Baharvand, former President of the Iran Football League Organization, Ali Kafashian and Shahabeddin Azizi Khadem, former presidents of the football federation and Amir Abedini, ex-general manager of Persepolis football club have registered for the post, according to Tehran Times.

List of qualified candidates will be announced by Jan. 30.

The elective General Assembly will be held on March 1.



Mount Damavand is the highest peak in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia.

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One of the most important things to remember is that Iranians aren’t Arabs, they’re Persian. They speak Farsi (and other dialects), not Arabic, and some people might feel offended if you great them with Arabic words.
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